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Plan introduction
Knowledge competitiveness is the measure of the output of a region in terms of conversion of knowledge capital and human capital into knowledge economy. It is also the ability index of social wealth, and even more so, the key element of combining human capital and knowledge capital as the core competitiveness, including innovative creativity, and ability of creating economic value
Facing the post financial tsunami period of slowing global economy, in order to reinforce the global competitiveness of Taiwan, the government actively focuses on “Innovation, employment, and distribution” as the core development new economic model. We promote the basic foundation of the next generation, so Taiwan can become a digital country and intelligent island. Since 2000, we have actively assisted with the domestic industries’ reinforcement of knowledge creation, circulation, and knowledge value-adding ability upgrade policies. We aim to upgrade knowledge and transform it into productivity, and effectively integrate with economic events, in order to reach the goals of promoting the overall growth of the economy.
Because of this, in order to upgrade industrial knowledge and efficiency, the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs has been promoting related plans for knowledge management since 2002. The brief descriptions are as follow:
The first stage, Industrial Knowledge Management Technical Guidance and Promotion Plan lasted 4 years (2002-2005). Because of the industrial circles’ involvement in the knowledge management tools, we focused on knowledge management training and business promotion. The guidance contents emphasized basic knowledge management. This included enterprise database and knowledge platform establishment, e-Learning, and professional knowledge manager talent training.
The second stage, Promoting Industrial Knowledge Management Plan lasted 4 years (2006-2009), aiming to reinforce industrial introduction of knowledge management penetration rate and develop knowledge management technical service industries as dual promotion strategies. The guidance contents emphasized the establishment of advanced knowledge management benchmarks, integrating the technical service industry to assist enterprises with R&D, manufacturing, and marketing service needs to promote advance knowledge management systems, in order to reach the dual policy goals of industrial knowledgization and knowledge industrialization, and further assist enterprises with using knowledge management to conduct global arrangement, in order to upgrade the efficiency of international enterprise knowledge sharing and application
The third stage, Promoting Industrial Learning Knowledge Diffusion Plan lasted 3 years (2012-2012), focused on enterprise internal knowledge management guidance and transformation into the operation of an industrial knowledge platform. Through CKO, benchmarking learning social network methods industrial knowledge exchange was promoted and overall industrial knowledge development expanded.
The fourth stage Industrial Settlement Knowledge Management lasted 4 years (2013-2016) . Other than constructing diverse and learning development environment, we also reinforced the interconnecting relations of knowledge and operational strategy. This phase expanded the Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Exchange Meeting service scope, and provide related industrial policy and operational policy direction and thinking for enterprises, and closely connected with innovative operating methods.
The fifth stage Industrial Knowledge Management Top-Up Plan will last 4 years (2017-2020) and will reinforce enterprise knowledge applications and innovation capability, and use ITC to transform key knowledge into operational wisdom, assisting with industrial arrangement to facilitate a smart machine ecological system, in order to assist enterprises accumulate knowledge effectively and upgrade operating efficiency.